Jodi Picoult

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing2 Web2.0

I am overwhelmed by Web 2.0, and I must confess, I am one of those "baby-boomers" who is always up to a challenge and needs to learn new things. (Right now, it is thing2). I watched the video and read the articles, and I feel I am already behind on what the post-baby boomers are learning, and what they need to know. But as I am one of the "oldies", I probably won't see much of Web 2.0 in my media center before I retire (That is because, I have to access the components at home, since blogs are blocked on our server.) I find that my mind is full of what is out there and how little I do know about all these "things". But I am learning, and I will continute to finish the 23 things, just so I can be a bit wiser (but maybe not smarter than a 5th grader) when it comes to the virtual tools available to our students. Now, I am going to re-read the articles, and see what I can use with my students.

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